Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Time Travel

List old enemies of your creative self-worth.
1. My dad. This is specifically towards writing. (Let the record state, however, he was extremely supportive in my flute and piano playing). I just remember when I told him that I wanted to be a journalist (this is when I was about 10), he said "I don't want to be paying your bills until you're 40."

2. BYU peeps that rejected me twice from doing the program that helped you prepare to go to graduate school in English. They were verifying the fears I had all along, that I didn't fit the mold to be literary in any way. I would have to wear five different layers of clothes (all different colors, of course) and carry around a mac laptop. I would have to be single and perhaps have very short hair.

3. ME. I am extremely critical of myself, to the point where it is easier to just get distracted with something else, instead of trying and then making a fool of myself.

List champions of your creative self-worth.

1. My junior high English teacher, Mrs. Boyle. My short story was selected to represent my junior high in a short story competition. I remember it won honorable mention or something...Anyway, I remember Mrs. Boyle beaming with pride when she told me. For the first time, I had the thought that maybe I could be a writer.

2. My mom. She has ALWAYS supported me creatively. She signed me up for acting lessons. She let me take voice lessons, flute lessons, piano lessons...when it comes to anything creative she is definitely supportive. It helps that she is a creative junkie herself. :)

3. My husband. He is supporting me in this 12-week process, and has given me the words of affirmation that I need to repeat in my head when I am doubting myself. Oh and he's supporting the family too, which is enabling me to stay at home and write to my heart's content (while my baby naps).

Sunday out.

1 comment:

  1. I remember Mrs. Boyle. She wore crazy patterned dresses and the kids made fun of her. Middle schoolers can be so cruel.

    Congrats on keeping up with your project!



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