Monday, January 10, 2011

Julia Cameron's 12 Week Program

This is my new project, peeps! I just got the book The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I am so excited to tackle her 12 week program and to actually move forward with my writing.

Her book is not geared specifically towards writers. It is a book that helps artists of any kind to break out of their creative shell and emerge as beautiful artist butterflies. {Yes, I realize I just combined two metaphors in one sentence. Hehe.} This book is about helping you be in tune with your Creator; whether it is the creator inside you, or the Creator that you believe in {in my case, it is God}.

Two things that I am supposed to do no matter what week of the program it is, include the following:

1. Morning Pages--These are three pages I will write longhand. No editing, and no one looks at it except for me. And I don't even read it until the 8th week.

2. Artist Date--At least once a week I will take myself on a two hour date. Just me and the artist within. Sounds corny, I know. But I'm stoked. I rarely have any time to myself when I am not worrying about the house, baby, husband, etc. etc.

I'll keep you posted on the tasks I'm tackling, and the writing projects I am doing. Currently I don't have very many writing projects, but I am determined to change that soon!

Sunday out.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of an artist's date. Really the most important thing is just setting aside the time to create.

    I can't wait to see what great things come out of this program!



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