Hi, this is Sunday. I would just like to say that you suck. After seeing you taking over my grandma the last few years of her life, I would say that you are a terrible friend. Confusing her like that...who does that??
I dread that you and I will ever become close. I hope that you know I'm going to do everything I can to keep you at bay. I might even carry a bat around with me, swinging at you any time you decide you want to invade. Or would you prefer bug spray, right in the eyes?
I guess I'll be a little frail, so a spray might be easier to carry. Oh don't you worry, I'll think of something fantastic that you're going to hate.
How about this. We'll make a deal. You stay away from me, and I'll sacrifice one of my buddies to you. How about Bob? He and you would make great friends. Or Lewie? He's had it comin' to him, ever since he tried to steal my cat.
Well anyway, whether you'll accept a human sacrifice, or would prefer physical tormenting any time you come near, you're not getting close to me. My mind is going to be lucid to the very end. I will know my kids and grandkids by name. I will know their birthdays and their favorite food. I will be the old woman that is full of wisdom, not full of hazy confusion.
Oh, and I will only have one cat.
Sincerely and with the upmost abhorrence,