Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hint Fiction Writing Contest

my friend Susan is also an aspiring writer (she has even published some books!!), and she sent me to this website: .

So I figured I'd give it a go with some attempts at hint fiction. Limit has to be 25 words or less, and that does not include the title.

Here is one that I came up with on my walk today:

The Man and His One-Legged Lover: A Circus Story

As he drove past the house where his wife still resided, he had one regret: he would never get his best clown costume back.

Another one:

The elderly woman found it strange when she bit into her local cafe's croissant and found a sapphire engagement ring nestled in the center.

I'll keep working on it.

Sunday out.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Write a formal complaint letter to your deepest, darkest fear.

Dear Senility,

Hi, this is Sunday. I would just like to say that you suck. After seeing you taking over my grandma the last few years of her life, I would say that you are a terrible friend. Confusing her like that...who does that??

I dread that you and I will ever become close. I hope that you know I'm going to do everything I can to keep you at bay. I might even carry a bat around with me, swinging at you any time you decide you want to invade. Or would you prefer bug spray, right in the eyes?

I guess I'll be a little frail, so a spray might be easier to carry. Oh don't you worry, I'll think of something fantastic that you're going to hate.

How about this. We'll make a deal. You stay away from me, and I'll sacrifice one of my buddies to you. How about Bob? He and you would make great friends. Or Lewie? He's had it comin' to him, ever since he tried to steal my cat.

Well anyway, whether you'll accept a human sacrifice, or would prefer physical tormenting any time you come near, you're not getting close to me. My mind is going to be lucid to the very end. I will know my kids and grandkids by name. I will know their birthdays and their favorite food. I will be the old woman that is full of wisdom, not full of hazy confusion.

Oh, and I will only have one cat.

Sincerely and with the upmost abhorrence,


Monday, July 5, 2010

The Sunday Driver: A Writing Blog

Why the name "Sunday Driver"? Well, to be honest, I looked up the word "amateur" on, and that was one of the synonyms. After further investigation, I've found that Sunday driver generally means "one who drives slowly, as for leisure or sight-seeing."

Or, my favorite definition from "Someone who is driving extremely slow because they are stoned." Let's put this in a sentence: "dude, this sunday driver must have been smokin' some dank bud, 'cuz he's going 10 in a 55 mph zone."

But I digress. Sunday driver may not be completely pertinent, but it does sound cool. Plus, if you want to link the term to this writing blog, look at it at this way:

I am going to take "Sunday driver" approach to life (minus the getting stoned), so that I can record what I see. Isn't that part of being a good writer? Taking the time to really look at drive slow enough to notice the details? To truly take in the deliciousness of life? I think so.

So here goes nothin'.

My goal is to write ten minutes a day, maybe with the help of a daily prompt that I get from a website, or perhaps it'll just be a free-write. Who knows. Depends on my mood.

Feel free to comment. In fact, please do. The reason why I am doing this publicly is so that I can get feedback from people, and to push myself to pursue writing.

Thanks for reading. Sunday out.

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